Aug 12, 2009

Evening’s Allusion

Mountain Majesty, intimate landscapes, Bisti, Bisti Badlands, Farmington, NM

Mountain Majesty
©Joe Bridwell
An isolated mountain range
Springs forth from tundra
As you fly along
At 40,000 feet...
Deep shadows, strong prominent ridges, dark backslopes
Even a long, sweeping dry river valley;
Evening’s allusion

The allusion of an entire mountain range is a simple matter of scale.
If you're at 40,000 feet, this is, indeed, a Mountain Majesty.
If not, maybe your eye level is 6 feet above the ground surface. Yet, with low sun angle, small 3 to 6 inch high rock slabs, surrounded by pebbles and sand, support either grand allusion.

Another intimate Bisti image...

Speaking of Scale...
It's been my privilege to present these Bisti vignettes willy-nilly, but usually a minimum of one a week.
But the New Mexico State Fair is now calling; the Enchanted Lens Camera Club provides volunteers to man our photography show. We take in hundreds of photos, present them to a panel of judges, hang them, then take them down and return them to photographers from around the state.
As I'm quite involved in this process, I'm likely to be off-line until after the 20th...

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