Jan 23, 2009

Lightroom 2.3RC

Lightroom 2.3RC

For me, a detailed local Adjustment Brush, while trying to sharpen a waterfall sheen on sandstone, finally froze the system…
At the time, I did not think memory leak.  But, I had been reading Lightroom blogs and Adobe forums, so when I saw 5.3RC I was enthused.  Then, I ran across this rather cryptic bug fix description in the LR2.3RC info sheet: A memory leak could cause Lightroom to crash while attempting to process files with local adjustments.
I’m just beginning to comprehend the strength of Lightroom’s local adjustment brush.  Because of the forum squawks about memory leak, there was some concern.  Happily, I installed LR2.3RC on an AMD 64 Athlon-X2 Dual Processor Dell laptop with no problem.
You can download LR2.3RC here.  Let’s hope the leak is plugged.

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